Privacy Policy

Published: 2025-02-06

This Privacy Policy describes the personal information Prezly collects and processes on behalf of the Company in the framework of the Company site and any related communication.

1. General

1.1 This Privacy Policy explains how personal information is protected, stored and used when someone visits or otherwise interacts with a Company’s site that is hosted by Prezly. By using the site or opting in to receive emails from the Company through the site, the data subject acknowledges to have read and understood this Privacy Policy.

1.2 This Privacy Policy may be updated from time to time. When this happens, the “published” date given above will be changed. ​ ​ The most recent version of this Privacy Policy will become applicable, supersede an replace all earlier versions with immediate effect. ​ The most recent version of the Privacy Policy can always be found on the Company’s site.

Continued use of the site after such changes have been published to the Privacy Policy will constitute acknowledgement that the data subject has read and understood such changes.

2. Roles and responsibilities

2.1 The company or organisation that uses the site to make press releases and articles available to the public is the responsible publisher of the site (“Company”). ​ The Company decides on the content that is published on the site and to whom it is distributed. ​ ​ The Company also decides which personal data is linked to the site for these purposes.

Hence, the Company determines why and how the personal data collected from the site visitors or press contacts is processed. ​ This means that the Company is to be considered as the data controller in relation to the processing of such data. ​

Please find the Company details below:

Company name:

Oona_19 BV.

Registered address:

Rijnkaai 22 Antwerpen 2000 Belgium



2.2 The site is facilitated for the Company by Prezly BV, a company incorporated under Belgian law, having its registered office at Tiensevest 100, bus 1, 3000 Leuven, with company registration number 0829.855.487 (“Prezly”), through a dedicated online application.

Any personal data processing via the site is always done by Prezly on behalf of and on the explicit instruction of the Company. ​ This means that Prezly is to be considered as the data processor in relation to the processing of such data.

For further information about Prezly’s privacy practices, please visit Prezly’s Trust Center at

2.3 For any question relating to this Privacy Policy you may contact Prezly via email at Prezly will share your question with the Company.

3. Information the Company collects and how the Company uses it

3.1 The following personal data may be collected from the Company’s press contacts when they visit the Company’s site, when they opt-in to receive Company emails through the site or when they otherwise interact with the Company or the site in the field of PR:

  1. Name and surname;
  2. Function;
  3. Email address;
  4. Interests;
  5. Communication Preferences

The Company collects these personal data in order to allow it to communicate its press releases and/or press articles to its press contacts.

By providing the Company with abovementioned personal data, the data subject consents to receiving email messages from the Company in the framework of its PR-activities. ​ In some cases the Company may also collect and process the abovementioned personal data from third parties or public sources on the basis of the legitimate interest it has in distributing its press releases and press articles to the press. ​ ​

Within the framework of the Company’s site, the Company does not use the abovementioned personal data for any other purpose.

The data subject has the right to object to the receipt of email messages from the Company through the site at all times by using the unsubscribe button provided in such email messages or by using our dedicated Privacy Portal.

3.2 The Company site also may use cookies and social media plugins, primarily to optimise the visitor experience on the site. For specific information about the cookies used on the site, please consult the Cookie Policy.

4. Sharing of personal data

The Company will share abovementioned personal data with Prezly in order to allow Prezly to facilitate the site and the distribution of emails through the site. ​ Prezly merely acts as a data processor for the Company. ​ A data processing agreement has been concluded between Prezly and the Company to cover this data processing activity by Prezly.

Aside from this, the Company does not transfer or share personal data with any third party in the framework of the site. ​

5. International data transfers

Prezly will try to process personal data as much as possible within the EU. ​ In so far as data transfers outside the EU are necessary, Prezly will only transfer data to third countries that offer an appropriate level of data protection, in accordance with the provisions of the General Data Protection Regulation. ​ This may include having the data recipient sign a copy of the standard contractual clauses of the European Commission.

6. Retention of personal data

The Company does not keep personal data any longer than necessary to achieve the intended purpose for which the personal data are collected. ​ In principle, the personal data will be deleted as soon as the data subject has unsubscribed.

7. Security of personal data

Prezly has taken all reasonable and adequate technical and organisational security measures to protect the personal data as best as possible when processed in the framework of the Company’s site. ​ This includes protection against accidental or intentional (and unauthorised) manipulation, modification, publication, loss, abuse, destruction or access by unauthorised persons. Such measures include amongst others a limited access policy and strong password protection, multi-factor authentication.

8. Rights relating to personal data

8.1 The data subject has the following rights in relation to his/her personal data:

  • Access to and information about the personal data processed about the data subject;
  • Be forgotten, or ask to delete its personal data;
  • Rectification and completion;
  • Transferability of personal data;
  • Restriction of processing;
  • Object to the processing.

To exercise these rights, please contact Prezly via email at Prezly will share your request with the Company for further processing. ​

8.2 In case of questions or complaints about the processing of personal data, the data subject can always inform Prezly via email at Prezly will share the question or complaint with the Company for further processing. ​

The data subject may also file a complaint with the Belgian Data Protection Authority at any time:


Contact details:

Data Protection Authority

Rue de la Presse 35, 1000 Brussels, Belgium

9. Applicable law

Any dispute in relation to this Privacy Policy must be interpreted in accordance with Belgian law.

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En cliquant sur « S'abonner », je confirme avoir lu et accepté la Politique de confidentialité.

À propos de Polestar

Polestar (Nasdaq : PSNY) est la marque suédoise de voitures électriques performantes qui met l'accent sur le design et l'innovation sans compromis, avec l'ambition d'accélérer le changement vers un avenir durable. Basée à Göteborg, en Suède, ses voitures sont disponibles sur 27 marchés en Amérique du Nord, en Europe et en Asie-Pacifique.

Polestar compte trois modèles dans sa gamme : la Polestar 2, la Polestar 3 et la Polestar 4. Les modèles prévus comprennent la Polestar 5 GT à quatre portes (qui sera introduite en 2025), le roadster Polestar 6 et le SUV compact, la Polestar 7. Ses véhicules sont actuellement fabriqués sur deux continents, l'Amérique du Nord et l'Asie, mais Polestar prévoit de diversifier davantage son empreinte industrielle, avec la production de la Polestar 7 prévue en Europe.

Polestar a un engagement inébranlable en matière de développement durable et a établi une roadmap ambitieuse pour atteindre ses objectifs climatiques : réduire de moitié les émissions de gaz à effet de serre d'ici 2030 par véhicule vendu et devenir climatiquement neutre sur l'ensemble de sa chaîne de valeur d'ici 2040. La stratégie globale de Polestar en matière de développement durable couvre les quatre domaines suivants : le climat, la transparence, la circularité et l'inclusion.  

Déclarations prospectives

Ce communiqué de presse contient des déclarations qui ne sont pas des faits historiques, mais plutôt des déclarations prospectives au sens du Private Securities Litigation Reform Act de 1995. Ces déclarations prospectives comprennent celles qui traitent d'activités, d'événements ou de développements que Polestar ou sa direction pensent ou anticipent comme pouvant se produire à l'avenir. Toutes les déclarations prospectives sont basées, le cas échéant, sur nos attentes actuelles, sur diverses suppositions et sur des données disponibles auprès de tiers. Nos attentes et nos suppositions sont exprimées de bonne foi et nous pensons qu'elles reposent sur une base raisonnable. Toutefois, rien ne garantit que ces déclarations prospectives se concrétiseront ou se révéleront exactes, car elles sont intrinsèquement soumises à des risques connus et inconnus, à des incertitudes et à d'autres facteurs susceptibles d'entraîner une différence matérielle entre les résultats, les performances ou les réalisations réels et les résultats, les performances ou les réalisations futurs exprimés ou sous-entendus dans ces déclarations prospectives. De nombreux risques, incertitudes et autres facteurs peuvent faire en sorte que les résultats réels diffèrent matériellement de ceux énoncés dans les déclarations prospectives, y compris les risques et incertitudes énoncés dans les sections intitulées "Risk Factors" et "Cautionary Note Regarding Forward-Looking Statements" dans le formulaire 20-F de Polestar et d'autres documents déposés, ou à déposer, auprès de la U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission par Polestar. Pour toute déclaration prospective contenue dans ce document ou dans tout autre document, nous revendiquons la protection de la sphère de sécurité ('safe harbor') pour les déclarations prospectives contenue dans le Private Securities Litigation Reform Act de 1995, et nous n'assumons aucune obligation de mettre à jour publiquement ou de réviser ces déclarations à la lumière de nouvelles informations ou d'événements futurs, sauf si la loi l'exige.